“Courage and Dedication are two keys to success,” but for me, it’s my academic journey. Yes, you heard it right, I treat this as stoutness, as my parents are educated for whom I had to consider education on serious note. I was not interested towards pursuing education as my mind was mapped towards Politics and Agriculture, but pressure from my parents forced me to study ”పండిత పుత్రః…పరమ సుంటః…”Throughout my school days, I was bombarded with this advice by my mentors, somehow I managed and entered 10th standard where I was in reminisce and failed in my final exams, thereby, my friends started moving to college.
However, it wasn’t so clear how I would cope up with my fellow mates. But, my father has guided me to overcome this, “A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.” The achievement of my transition in academics made me start from the Pre University with a group (CEC). I entered into a new challenge as people started laughing at my selection. It’s important not to be disheartened by others and move on to embark the journey towards success – being topper for two years…”SUCCESS SPEAKS”
My scholastic accomplishment led me into higher studies by selecting B.com Computers from S.V University, where I exhibited my best. Walking down the memory lane, I scored 8.0 CGPA, attempted CAT and secured 7.0 percentile for which I was selected for an MBA program at GITAM University.
I would define personal success by having strong relationships with real people, they are the one who we are surrounded with give meaning to life. I was inspired by one of my friends, as he continuously emphasized the word Ph.D (Philosophy of Doctorate) –“Kethan your parents are working as Heads in Govt School, then why are you not into teaching field by perusing Ph.D.” I had a bug called “Teaching” in my blood from birth which triggered me.
How often do you feel fortunate? Is it by winning a lottery or buying a car, or by making a difference to the lives of others? I have not realized that for some time, but I do feel lucky when I meet people who remind me of the importance of vision and values that drive one to the successful path.
I believe in signs, that certain people’s indications can change our lives. My mentors, K.Siva Rama Krishna & Dr.Mohan Prakash whose passion towards teaching and leadership motivated me to stay focused towards achieving my goal “Ph.D.” Having selected Dr. Mohan Prakash as my Research Supervisor between 2013-2014, I started discovering research, writing, teaching and finally caught up the GAP of research and confined myself to Rural Marketing with the topic “A Study on Factors Influencing the Purchase of FMCG in Rural Consumer”. The study has changed my life, and felt very grateful for all the happiness that writing has brought me and submitted my Thesaurus in 2017. My guide used to say that “Kethan your work has a greater scope, we will post your Thesis for iconic professors in Marketing for adjudication,” and sent the same to Prof . Eric T.” for whom I waited for about one and half years and finally received encouraging comments & the degree was awarded in 2019. But, no matter what, I believe that I have succeeded from a failure to a successful professor. Real success is when your mentor sends a message that I had seen your Metrics in GOOGLE SCHOLAR-with H-Index 1. “Proud of you my BOY!”
“Failure is a constant reminder that we need to hurry up to live, love and create…Life is too short Create Wonders, achieve success!”

Assistant Professor & IQAC Coordinator,
Koshys Institute of Management Studies.