How serene sky, prospective joys!
Sizzling affairs, buzzing bees, dazzling colors,
Vibrant faces, gracing heart’s, cherishing sights;
Fervent talks, musing smiles to hearts content.
Thoughts and ideas for forum,
A platform to traverse new form.
World found for vibes, radiates life!
Gala raises full of praises shine.
Melodious hours, tingling memories,
Songs of mine and thine…
These fonds of jubilant rain,
Life’s most whelming dine!
Reminiscence to implore again;
One for life, college time!
“Poetry is the best word in the best order,” the saying reflects poetic ambience of any given poetry. The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid, triggered with thoughts, and evoked by memories.” There is a time and place for everything- that is college.”
Making memories of a lifetime with people we will never-ever forget. One such golden period for life is college time. A beautiful place craving for positive vibes. Life happens in between freshers and farewell, degree is the key to realize the burning dreams. Not a moment in one’s life can be seen with such adulterated happiness and exuberance, which happen within college walls. It’s the little memories that will last for a lifetime, these days are a part of our life that we are going to relive in memories till the last breath. Sounds and fragrance can bring back powerful recollections…
When the part of college life we love becomes an evocation; the remembrance becomes a treasure, and memories of a kind, are only one for a lifetime!

MA – English Litt,
Assistant Professor,
Koshys Institute of Management Studies.