You all may be wondering about the virus which killed millions of people across and put the entire world into turbulence, can it be called ‘a Good Virus?’. A fire hose – Particularly hard for the people who are feeling anxious with the following facts;
1. It is extremely contagious.
2. It has taken 7.5 lakh lives across the globe.
3. Yet there is no sign of Vaccine.
4. Comorbid patients cannot survive this virus.
Let me take you through the reason behind me calling it as “A Good Virus”.
A little round-up of a few life-threatening facts to get clarity to your thoughts in comparison with COVID-19.

It is very shocking to see the above numbers. India got affected by COVID-19 in the month of March, 2020 and now it has been 6 months since we are living with it. So far, the number of deceased due to Corona is 59,736.
So, now we understand it is not that bad, people die everyday in road accidents, hunger and many other reasons. But if something is not bad does not mean that is good, does it? How this killer Virus can be considered as ‘Good Virus’. For better understanding, let me justify with the below points.
Looking at the surge in health anxieties, many of the vulnerable groups started shielding their well being in a style to face the pandemic. A deeper analysis portrays the doctor consultations have been reduced drastically. We can see a huge difference between the pre and post COVID-19. In my neighbourhood, all are healthy and have not consulted any medical assistance for a long period of time. The reason might be our fear or our changing lifestyle or better hygiene. Isn’t it ‘A Good Virus’?
“Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” – Winston Churchill
Financial Conditions – A challenge. It is evident that the pandemic has ruined the businesses and put daily wagers into a deep distress, but let us understand it is the protocol that pushed all of us inside, not the Virus.
Imagine how much we spend for a normal visit to any mall on the weekend? Rs.1000/2000 or may be more. Last few months we did not spend on anything except the essentials. Nobody knows better than us how much we have saved.

“You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you.” – Dave Ramsey
A family forefront during lockdown – This is the best reason why I call CoronaVirus a ‘Good Virus’. It gave us a wonderful opportunity to experience and explore – togetherness, the value of family-time, each other’s responsibilities, mutual requirements, fun, entertainment, indoor family games, munching-serving-feeding homemade food, experimenting new dishes and many more in a far-far better way. Now we could realize how much work is being done by homemakers for the first time in mankind’s history. During this phase, we have perceived a happier family than before. Everyday was a picnic. I guess the fear, and anxiety made us love our family more.

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.” –Anthony Brandt
Humanity in the gloom of pandemic- Our lives are revolving around helping one another for survival. Volunteers are offering food to the needy, maids and other daily workers have been supported financially without their service, companies are promoting their employees to work from home.
If we look at the crime rate in our country, you will be astonished to see the difference. Crime rate has fallen, road accidents have reduced, there is a dip in the graph of suicides and unnatural deaths.
It looks like humanity is awakened and shining at its best. Just eradicate Corona from the society tomorrow, you will witness the same tangled society. So, do you feel it’s a ‘Good or bad Virus’?
Technology trends – The new-normal era is based on information technology. Technology has brought the world inside our homes and has taken new dimensions of life. Students have become technocrats who had never imagined studying without going to school. Many of the applications like zoom or google meet have made our lives easier by connecting us globally. even my father started making video calls. So, we all say “WELCOME TECHNOLOGY!”

To conclude, the flashes of positivity and hope will conquer the fear among us and make us take a bold move towards success which creates harmony. My earnest request to all the readers is, after reading my blog don’t get carried away and start partying. The finishing line is visible but remember, we still did not cross the finish line. Until we cross it; wear a mask, stay home, stay safe!